Deep Plane Facelift

Deep Plane Facelift at a glance


3 -4 hours


General anaesthetic


Headband 1 - 2 days
Compression garment 1 week

Hospital Stay

One night stay


1 – 2 weeks


After 3 - 4 weeks


Consultation – £100 Procedure from £15,000


Initial results 1 week
Full recovery 2 -3 months

What is included in a Deep Plane Facelift procedure with British Face Clinic?

Our Deep Plane Facelift is the most advanced facelift procedure available. The surgery is designed to rejuvenate the face and neck, giving you a more youthful appearance. Our fixed-price package includes full-facelift tightening under the muscles to give you the longest-lasting results of a facelift available. Our package also includes platysmaplasty (neck lift), eyebrow lift and chin liposuction if required. As the super-specialist technique works on deep layers under muscles, results can be seen within a few days with very little downtime. Consultations are £100 with Mr Supriya and are deductible from any surgery booked with us. We offer the deep plane facelift procedure in our London, Milton Keynes and Northampton clinics.

Feel comfortable in your own skin

Reveal the real you with a Deep Plane Facelift

You have jowls, tired eyes and a sagging neck

Gone are the days where you could jump out of bed fresh faced and ready to take on the day.

As we age, gravity and laxity of our facial tissues leads to the drooping of skin and deeper tissues in the face and neck area. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A fresh and youthful you is waiting to be revealed.

You’re driving through life with your hand brake on

Physical appearance is a significant factor in self-esteem; the way you think and feel about yourself as a person can have a colossal impact on your confidence and general mood. You’ve become withdrawn, introverted and have lost your true sense of self. Nobody is born with limitless self-confidence, but it is possible to feel natural, elegant and attractive in your own skin.

Your face does not reflect how you feel on the inside

It’s embarrassing looking tired at work, and social events aren’t so fun when your confidence and self-esteem are lacking. You’ve neglected yourself and feel inadequate compared to all the beautiful people around you. You deserve some self-love.

Friends and family are the first to notice if your confidence is dwindling

They perceive you as grumpy and worn-out; you’re not making eye contact, avoiding cameras, and you’ve lost that spring in your step. A more alert and engaged you is in there, you’ve just got to let her out.

If you don’t love yourself, can you truly love anyone else?

Opportunities come to those who get out there and seize them. The real you knows exactly what they want, and they’ve got the confidence and self-respect to make it happen.

How the Deep Plane Facelift works

Facelifts have evolved over time and you will come across a variety of procedures all grouped under the term “facelift”. However, the gold standard is a Deep Plane Facelift. Let’s talk about the different varieties of facelifts:

The SMAS lift or ‘Weekend Facelift’

The weekend facelift is a minimal facelift that elevates a limited part of the face by tightening the skin above the facial muscles. The biggest attraction is the fast recovery. Because this procedure requires limited tissue manipulation, patients can usually recover over a weekend, hence the name. The downside is that the stress is mostly on skin which can lead to an unnaturally tight appearance. Inevitably, the lift lasts for a much shorter period, just over a year or so.

Thread Facelift

This procedure works extremely well and is an excellent choice if you have very little ageing changes. The procedure itself takes just under an hour and is minor enough to be done under local anaesthesia. The effects last just over a year. This technique is not suitable if you have significant ageing changes.

Comprehensive Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane technique is a full-face lift that works to lift the sagging lower face and upper neck in its entirety. The skin and muscle are lifted together as one unit which repositions all deep facial muscles. done by a “hidden” cut that runs from the front of your ear around to the back and then ends within your hair at the back. The incisions are well hidden and are not apparent after a few weeks (please look at the pictures). Even though the results of the Deep Plane Facelift are more rejuvenating and longer lasting by 10 years, on average, than any other Facelift technique, the majority of surgeons do not offer this treatment. They often perform a more superficial lift above the muscles in the name of a comprehensive Facelift. This has a short-lasting effect as the superficial surgery fails to address the sagging foundation of the face. This also leads to a tighter, unnatural feel as all the stretch is directed to the skin rather than the deeper layers of tissue. The Deep Plane Facelift is performed by less than 5% of surgeons because it is a technically more difficult procedure and requires intense training and excellent surgical skills.


Given the extent of surgery involved in the deep plane technique, you do need to schedule 2 – 3 weeks for recovery. You will likely experience minor self-resolving inconveniences such as temporary numbness, bruising, swelling and you will have to take good care of your wound. good care of the wound. However, the investment you put in during the recovery is truly worth it as there is no other procedure that can give you a comparable outcome. The Deep Plane Facelift is my preferred technique for everyone except for those with mild ageing of neck or midface.

See Before and After Pictures of Deep Plane Facelift

Gallery Image
before and after deep plane facelift surgery

Supplementary information about Deep Plane Facelift

Deep Plane Facelift suitability criteria

As we age, gravity and laxity of our facial tissues leads to the drooping of skin and deeper tissues in the face and neck area.

These are the usual physical characteristics which can be treated with the Deep Plane Facelift. This is a surgical procedure designed to remove the excess lax skin and tighten the underlying tissues to give a younger, firmer appearance to the face and neck.

These visible changes could manifest as:

Advantages of Deep Plane Facelift

Disadvantages of Deep Plane Facelift

Deep Plane facelift risks

Deep Plane facelift options and alternatives

Deep Plane facelift results

A Deep Plane facelift is the ultimate facial procedure, which, when done correctly, has an unparalleled effect in giving a younger, rejuvenated look.