"Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Reduction Surgery) in London, Milton Keynes, and Northampton"
40 – 60 minutes
Upper blepharoplasty –
local anaesthetic
Lower blepharoplasty – general anaesthetic
Not usually required after surgery
Hospital Stay
Daycase with no overnight stay
1 – 3 weeks
After 6 weeks
Full recovery 6 – 9 months
Consultation – £100 Procedure from £5,000
What is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a low-risk cosmetic surgical procedure to remove excess skin around the eyes, resulting in a more youthful, alert appearance. As a person ages, the skin around the eyelid can become saggy, giving a hooded appearance which can lead to a reduced side (peripheral) field of vision. Equally, skin can sag below the eye creating a drooping eye bag. Blepharoplasty aims to reduce or get rid of these problems.
When undergoing an Upper or Lower Blepharoplasty procedure the excessive skin is surgically removed. Whereas Upper Blepharoplasty can be done under a local anaesthetic or sedation, typically you would undergo a general anaesthetic for Lower Blepharoplasty.
To discuss Blepharoplasty with British Face Clinic call us on 07590817036.
About Blepharoplasty
We’ve provided some general information about the procedures below. For further information about how we can help you, contact us for a consultation.
Why Undergo Eyelid Surgery
As you age your skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag. This sagging happens especially around the eyes and can result in:
- Excess skin that causes wrinkles and bags
- Fatty tissue deposits that cause the upper or lower lid to appear puffy
- Dark circles
- Weakened eye muscles
The extent of the sagging varies from one individual to the next and can result in a sad, tired, and aged appearance. In some cases, it can interfere with the peripheral field of vision. Eyelid Surgery/Blepharoplasty effectively addresses this problem by removing the excess skin and repositioning the prolapsed fat.
Often patients undergo Blepharoplasty to:
- Appear more youthful
- Boost confidence
- Appear more alert
- Improve vision when hooded skin obstructs sight
Who is suitable for Blepharoplasty?
Anyone with excessive skin around the eyes can undergo a Blepharoplasty procedure, although typically older patients get the most benefit due to their age profile.
How do I prepare for eyelid or eye bag surgery?
How Blepharoplasty works
On average, the surgery takes around 20-25 minutes for each eyelid, and the recovery period is about a week.
There is no need to worry about scarring as we can hide the upper eyelid incision in your existing skin crease. For the lower eyelid, the incision is hardly perceptible as it is hidden just under your eyelashes.
In some cases, we will make an incision within your conjunctiva, so there is no visible scar at all.
We usually reposition the prolapsing fat, to avoid a “hollow” eye look which gives a better appearance.
We typically remove stitches within a week, and the scar is hardly perceptible after the first few weeks.
What is the cost of Blepharoplasty?
The cost of Blepharoplasty is dependent on whether you undergo an upper or lower Blepharoplasty, or have both done.
The type of anaesthetic and hospital location can also affect the cost.
Blepharoplasty Recovery Timeline
Following surgery patients understandably want to know what their final results will look like. Our timeline below offers a guide to when you can enjoy your results.
1st day post op
All Blepharoplasty procedures are a daycase so you will be able to return home the same day. You will have some swelling, tightness and bruising. Antiseptic ointment will assist in recovery and eye drops will help dry eyes feel more comfortable. A cold compress placed gently over the eyes, and sleeping in an elevated position, will help alleviate the discomfort. Lower Blepharoplasty patients will often have more swelling than Upper Blepharoplasty patients.
1 month post op
Healing is very individual and some patients may still have some swelling or unevenness. Continuing with a cold compress and sleeping with your head elevated will help with the healing. Stitches for Lower Blepharoplasty are internal so will not be visible. Although the stitches for Upper Blepharoplasty are along the eyelid crease (therefore almost invisible to the naked eye), there may still be a thin pink line in some patients that will fade in the coming months.
1 week post op
Any non-disposable stitches will be removed by Mr Supriya. There is likely to still be bruising and swelling, but this will continue to reduce over the coming days.
Full recovery
After around 6 – 9 months any external scarring will have faded and the swelling will have subsided. Patients can enjoy the results of looking more refreshed and younger.
Blepharoplasty risks
Eyelid surgery is a very safe and effective procedure and choosing the right surgeon will further minimise any risks associated with this type of surgery. It is important, however, to know what the potential complications of any surgery may be:
- Possible infection and bleeding
- Dry, irritated eyes
- Difficulty closing your eyes – or other eyelid problems
- Noticeable scarring
- Injury to eye muscles
- Skin discoloration
- The need for a follow-up surgery
- Temporary blurred vision or, in very rare cases, loss of eyesight
Pre-operative instructions for your surgery
- The night before, and on the morning of your surgery, wash your face, body, and hair with an antibacterial soap. Baby shampoo can also be used.
- Do not wear any skin products, moisturizers, makeup, lipstick, eyeliner, hair spray, nail polish or fragrances from neck up. Do not take aspirin or any drug that increases bleeding 2 (two) weeks before your surgery. If in doubt call our office. All these products can be resumed 2 (two) weeks after surgery.
- Do not eat or drink anything 8 (eight) hours before your surgery if you are having general anaesthesia. If you take daily medications (example: heart, blood pressure, etc) you can continue to take them as you usually would, but only use small sips of water to swallow them.
- Patients with long hair should wear it tied back. If you are unable to tie it back, please bring some hair clips to keep the hair away from the eyes.
- Remove all jewellery and leave it at home.
- Wear loose clothing, sweats or PJ’s and avoid wearing pull over tops (button-up tops, a zip-up shirt, or shirts with a very wide collar).
- You need to have someone to drive you home after surgery, and to remain with you after surgery. The length of time you need a caretaker is very individual, but we recommend for at least the first 24-48 hours.
- Remind us of any special concerns or conditions.
- Please do not smoke (including e-cigarettes) for at least 3 weeks before surgery, and until 3 weeks after the surgery.
Post-operative recovery advice after Blepharoplasty
- Ice or cold compresses should be used for the first 72 hours for eye lid surgery. Do not put ice on bare skin.
- It is fine to shower 48 hours after your surgery. Be gentle when washing and drying the face so as not to disturb the sutures. Please apply the antiseptic ointment provided to the stitches every 4 – 6 hours.
- Due to swelling during the initial days you may find it difficult to close your eyes completely. It is critical that you use the eye drops as prescribed and if it feels dry, to use hydrating eye drops (available over the counter) as needed.
- Keep your head and neck elevated for a few days. This will help reduce swelling and speed up the recovery process without compromising the results.
- Consider taking Arnica tablets a week before to a week after surgery to help reduce swelling.
- If you had lower eyelid surgery, please use the given steri-strips to elevate the lower eyelid before taping it to the upper part of your face.
- Most patients will have self-dissolving stitches. You can start to gently rub them off from around day 7 after surgery.
- Arrange for care for the initial 24 -48 hours after surgery. Even though you may believe you can resume your normal routines, having someone there to assist you will bring peace of mind and allow the healing process to occur with less disruption.
- Rehydrate your body often. Also, eat lightly for the first few days and only food that is easy to swallow and digest.
- Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Use sunblock with proper UV protection for skin.