• February 21, 2022
  • Mr Mrinal Supriya

Last updated on June 25, 2024

What is Otoplasty?

Otoplasty (sometimes referred to as cosmetic ear surgery or pinnaplasty), refers to the surgical reshaping of the pinna—or outer ear. The procedure can be performed to correct any irregularities such as shape abnormality or asymmetry, or to decrease the prominence of the ears by pinning them back.

Why have Otoplasty?

The outer ear contributes to a person’s overall appearance. Prominent ears, for example, can be a source of embarrassment for some people, and can lead to a low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. The goal of this type of surgery is to improve the cosmetic appearance of the ears, and in some cases these changes can be significant.

Can anyone have the procedure?

The ear cartilage completes its development around the age of 5 – 6 years of age. This is usually considered the earliest recommended age Otoplasty can be performed on a child. Although the majority of procedures are carried out on younger children and teenagers, there is no upper age limit.

The procedures are also safe and effective, typically carried out under local anaesthetics (general anaesthesia for young children), with the patient able to view the appearance of their ear before final closure.

At British Face Clinic we will only treat patients over 18 years of age.

And the recovery?

The procedures carry no visible scarring, with life-long results achieved. After your operation, a bandage is used to cover the ear, with a dressing in and over the operated part. The bandage is removed after 5 days.

The dressing and sutures (stitches) are normally dissolvable so these will not need to be removed.

Thinking of undergoing ear surgery?

Otoplasty improves both the appearance and function of the ear, and can improve your self-image and confidence. To begin your own journey, it starts with a video consultation. Click here to book it online, or give us a call on 07590 817036.

Mr Mrinal Supriya

About The Author

Mr Mrinal Supriya

Mr Mrinal Supriya is a Consultant ENT, Head and Neck Surgeon with a special interest in facial cosmetic surgery. He is the clinical director for head and neck service in Northamptonshire and works as an ENT Consultant. He is the lead head and neck robotic surgeon at the University hospital of Northamptonshire (2023). Previously, he held the post of ENT, Head and Neck consultant at St.George’s University Hospital, London and at Ninewells University Hospital, Dundee.

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