Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) in London, Milton Keynes, and Northampton
2 - 3 hours
General anaesthetic
Hospital Stay
Daycase with no overnight stay
2 weeks
After 6 weeks
Initial result 3 weeks
Final results up to a year
Consultation £100
Procedure from £7,500
Wearing glass
After 4 weeks
What is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a procedure to change the shape and size of your nose.
There is no universal “perfect” nose. Every nose is “perfect” when it is in sync with the rest of the facial features. Hence, we believe in tailoring the surgery to your face. The surgery itself can differ from one person to the next for seemingly similar cosmetic problems with the nose. We offer Rhinoplasty surgery (nose job) in London, Northampton and Milton Keynes.
Mr Mrinal Supriya at British Face Clinic aims to give every patient a natural, symmetrical and pleasing appearance that is in proportion with their face.
You may be an appropriate candidate for Rhinoplasty for one of the following reasons:
- You wish to improve the appearance of your nose
- Trauma or infection has changed the shape of your nose
- Breathing through your nose is obstructed
- The effects of ageing have changed the shape of your nose. For example you may feel the tip of your nose is hanging or droopy
- A congenital disability like a cleft lip was corrected at a young age, and you are now at least 18 years of age and would like the nasal deformity corrected
To discuss Rhinoplasty with British Face Clinic call 07590817036
About Rhinoplasty
We’ve provided some detailed information below about the different procedures we offer. To find out how we can help you , click the Request a Call-back button below and book a nose job consultation.
Why Undergo Rhinoplasty?
You can hide or camouflage any part of your body except for your nose.
Undoubtedly, your nose is the most prominent part of the face, defining its features and acting as the visual centre of gravity. It is the central point where the onlooker’s gaze naturally tends to focus.
It is no wonder that any imperfections in the nose’s appearance – such as a slight bend, a small depression or a hump, minimal irregularity of the profile or an unusual angle with your face – are hard to ignore compared to defects elsewhere on the body.
There are two reasons why you would have Rhinoplasty; One is cosmetic, to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose, and the second is functional, to alleviate a blockage of the nasal airway and create an air passage that allows for comfortable and unhindered breathing.
If you are unhappy with the look of your nose, we can discuss improvements for:
- A change in size in relation to facial balance
- Nose width at the bridge or in the size and position of the nostrils
- Reshaping the nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked
- Improving breathing
- Narrowing nostrils that are large, wide or upturned
- A change in angle to improve a bent looking nose
- Straightening the nose profile with visible humps or depressions on the bridge
- Nasal asymmetry
Types of Rhinoplasty
There are a variety of different techniques of Rhinoplasty that can be used to achieve your desired look. As a facial cosmetic and ENT expert, Mr Mrinal Supriya will discuss which type of nose surgery will be the right choice for you. Whether you are undergoing a nose job in our London, Milton Keynes, or our Northampton clinic, the most appropriate technique will be used. If you currently experience any breathing problems Mr Supriya can also incorporate improving this as part of your care plan.
Closed Rhinoplasty
A Closed Rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to alter the look of your nose without needing an external incision. This technique can be used if you desire a hump to be removed on the bridge of the nose and for other minimal adjustments.
Open Rhinoplasty
An Open Rhinoplasty can allow more dramatic changes to the shape, size and projection of your nose as well as alterations to the tip. It requires a small incision to be made on the crease of the nose that is not visible once healed.
Alar Base Reduction
Alar Base Reduction can reduce the size and reshape your nostrils. An incision is made along the nostril crease which again when healed blends in with the shape of the nose to not be noticeable.
Open Septorhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty Grafts
Turbinates are typical structures running along the sidewall of your nose. If enlarged, they will need trimming down to restore airflow.
Preservation Rhinoplasty
Preservation Rhinoplasty
Preservation Rhinoplasty is one of the latest trends in the world of cosmetic nose surgery. Preservation Rhinoplasty is a conservative approach to reshaping the nose that involves preserving as much (if not all) of the native framework (ligaments, cartilage and bone) in the process of accomplishing your aesthetic goals. In other words, Preservation Rhinoplasty does not involve the traditional removal or resection of cartilage and bone that is so often done during routine Rhinoplasty surgery.
Preservation of the Bridge
Preservation Rhinoplasty is most commonly used in the management of a nasal hump deformity. This is a very common cosmetic nasal concern that prompts many a patient to seek out Rhinoplasty surgery.
Traditionally, when a patient has a large bump on their nose, a Rhinoplasty surgeon will address this by rasping, or sanding
Does this really matter?
The reality is that the outcome of cosmetic surgery is primarily dependent on the skills and experience of the surgeon rather than the “theoretical” technique. Traditional Rhinoplasty (closed or open) performed by an experienced Rhinoplasty surgeon will have excellent results, while the Preservation Rhinoplasty done by a less experienced surgeon may fail to provide the expected outcome. To date, there is insufficient quality evidence to indicate that Preservation Rhinoplasty has better results or fewer complications than traditional open or closed Rhinoplasty surgery. The key question to ask your surgeon is “What percentage of your operated patients require a revision surgery?” And don’t forget to review the “unedited” before and after pictures of patients who had similar problems as you have. Mr Mrinal Supriya is skilled in carrying out Preservation Rhinoplasty procedures for patients who have nasal deformity limited to nasal hump. His choice of approach, open vs closed vs closed preservation depends upon his assessment of your nose and your personal aesthetic goals.How to prepare for Rhinoplasty
Before surgery
Before the day of surgery, Mr Supriya will take a detailed history from you. This includes your medical history, medications, allergies, smoking habits, previous surgery and more. He will also ask you about your complaints about nasal breathing and your wishes regarding the external shape of your nose.
Where necessary, he will perform a clinical examination that will include an inspection of the inside of the nose with an endoscope. This examination tells him about the condition of the midline partition of the nose (the nasal septum) and the mucosa on the side of the nasal air passage (the turbinate).
He will also discuss in detail which changes to the outside shape of the nose are realistic and how he can achieve them. He will take photographs of your nose before surgery in different planes.
If you have previously undergone Rhinoplasty and the cartilage obtainable from your nose is not sufficient for shaping and reconstructing your nose, Mr Supriya may need to harvest cartilage from your ear or rib.
After surgery
Most Rhinoplasties will be undertaken as a daycase meaning you can go home the same day as your procedure. Patients are often surprised at how little discomfort they feel during recovery.
Painkillers and a nasal spray to help improve your breathing will usually be given on discharge. A splint (nose cast) will be applied at the end of your procedure to be removed at around 10 (ten) days post-surgery. This will help reduce swelling as the nose heals.
Rhinoplasty recovery
You will have a splint on your nose and may experience some bleeding from the nostrils; this typically subsides on its own or with Otrivine nasal spray. A cold mask may be placed over your eyes and above the splint to decrease swelling and bruising. You should expect moderate swelling and some bruising of the skin following surgery. The degree of swelling differs from patient to patient. Most swelling and bruising will subside in 7 – 14 days, although sometimes swelling can persist for up to 2 (two) months. You should expect to see the final appearance of your nose at the end of the 1st year.
Post-operative care
The first night keep your head elevated; the higher, the better. Sleeping in a recliner can help. You must keep your head elevated 30 degrees for the first week after surgery. Drink plenty of fluids.
Use a cool-mist humidifier at your bedside to help moisturise membranes in your nose and mouth. Nasal saline mist spray must be used every 2 – 3 hours after surgery and can make your nose more comfortable. These sprays are over-the-counter medications and you can purchase them in any pharmacy. Avoid any travel requiring rapid elevation changes, eg airline or mountain travel, for 2 – 3 weeks.
Risks of Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is a technically challenging procedure. Expertise and experience are required to obtain favourable cosmetic results.
The most common untoward effect of nose surgery is an unsatisfactory cosmetic (appearance) or functional (breathing) result. A secondary or touch up operation may be required to obtain the intended effect.
Secondary procedures may be minor; some may be performed under local anaesthesia or as an outpatient procedure. The need for a secondary procedure does not signify poor quality of the initial surgery. Even in the most experienced hands, secondary procedures are necessary for 5%-10% of cases.
Secondary or touch-up procedures are typically performed one year after the initial surgery.
Hypertrophic scars
If we have performed a closed technique Rhinoplasty, Mr Supriya will hide the scars inside your nose. If he has performed an open technique Rhinoplasty, you will have a small scar that is hardly visible between the nostrils. Rarely, this scar may not heal properly and leave a perceptible scar that requires revision.
After surgery, bruising may occur around the eyes and occasionally on the nose. This bruising typically subsides after 2 – 4 weeks. Very rarely, the colour of the nose skin may become darker or redder, which may persist for up to a year.
Loss of smell
Numbness of the nose
Frequently Asked
During the procedure, you will be asleep under a general anaesthetic. Mild to moderate pain can be experienced during nose job recovery, however, painkillers will be prescribed to ease any discomfort.
Yes, Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure which is why it is important to select your surgeon carefully. Generally, Rhinoplasty surgery takes around 2 – 3 hours.
British face Clinic will only treat patients over 18 years of age.
Most nose jobs are day case procedures meaning patients will be able to travel home the same day. You will not be able to drive and it is recommended to have someone with you for 24 hours following a general anaesthetic.
Speak to your private medical insurance provider to see if you could be covered. The majority of patients for cosmetic surgery pay for the treatment themselves.
Rhinoplasty with British Face Clinic costs from £7,500. The majority of our patients undergo an Open Rhinoplasty which costs £8,500. If a patient requires a complex procedure or insertion of a silicon graft the cost can be higher and an exact quote would be given following consultation.
Studies suggest that a minimum age of 18 years is preferred to perform Rhinoplasty as the bony structures of the face near completion and will not change much after this age.
Mr Supriya performs the surgery while you are asleep under general anaesthesia. The operation is usually performed as a daycase procedure unless done later during the day, in which case you may need to stay overnight.
At the end of the procedure, we would typically place small strips of adhesive tape over your nose and put a cast on these strips. You should leave the cast in place for at least 7 – 12 days after the surgery. Mr Supriya does not usually place packing in the nostrils.
If you undergo an Open Rhinoplasty, we place sutures on the skin between your nostrils. They would be removed 5 – 10 days after surgery and the incisions closed inside the nose with absorbable material that doesn’t need to be removed.
It is advisable to minimise sun exposure during the first year after Rhinoplasty surgery, especially during the noon hours. Applying sunscreen and wearing a sun hat is advised.
After surgery, pain is mild to moderate for 1 – 3 days and is usually well managed with Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Codeine. You should not experience any severe pain, and if you do, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.